Pilates & Barre Classes

Re-connect with ourselves through the joy of movement and the power of the breath.


Pilates Mat Class

Pilates can create a foundation of strength, flexibility and spinal mobility.

Pilates Meets Barre Class

A disciplined, ballet-inspired, low-impact full body workout which can be done almost anywhere.

In-Studio Classes

In-Person classes are currently held in two Killiney locations. The first location is The Carry Centre where my Tuesday evening classes are held only (see directions below). All other In-Person classes are held at my studio in the Killiney Heath area. Please contact me for further information. Sessions are 50 minutes. Please book through the website before arriving and don’t forget to bring your mat! If you do not have a mat, no problem – I will have a few to spare. Please arrive 5 minutes before class commences.

If you are a complete beginner, contact me directly. I would be delighted to organise a session introducing you to the foundations of Pilates.


Online Classes

We also offer a selection of our classes through Zoom, check out our timetable and pricing bundles for more information.

Once you have registered with us and purchased your preferred class as either a one off class or a bundle of class you will be sent a link to join the class at the given time.

Please login 10 minutes before hand to allow for a bit of chat. Online classes are 60 minutes.


What Our Members Say

I have been with Tina since she qualified as a Barre instructor. She is fantastic. I love that she brings so much energy to each class; changes the routines regularly to keep it interesting; and makes us really sweat!! I cannot recommend this type of fitness enough!


Wow what a class! Full of energy and bum sculpting moves…. I really love Tina’s energy, enthusiasm and her high level of tuition whilst moving, talking and keeping an eye on all participants on her zoom class!! Not an easy feat!


This class is a great way to invest an hour in yourself! As a beginner, Tina has patiently explained the correct way to get into every move, ensuring I am set up for success and getting the maximum from every class.

D. F.

I look forward to Tina's mat class every week. Tina's knowledge of the pilates repertoire is second to none but more importantly is her happy smiling attitude to teaching us. Instructing different levels of ability at a time, everyone feels included. I would encourage anyone thinking of taking up Pilates to give Tina a call, you won't regret it!

Carole Hill

Over the years, I have tried just about every single exercise - yoga, pilates, running, weights, private trainers – but Tina Barre class is really making a difference with my posture and shape. The classes incorporate core strength, with a cardio element. Tina is dedicated, prepared, professional and fun... I fully recommend her online classes

Laura Gonzalez


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